Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We're Common

I died a long time ago.
I have been walking around,
Confused about that.
But no more.
No more.

I shrug because,
I know that the living dead,
We're common these days,

If you need further elaboration,
Please indicate a direction.
And we'll set sail,
Across the murky waters of my soul,
And I will show you,
What sights can still be seen.

If you can't understand this,
Then maybe it wasn't meant for you,
And I am sorry to misdirect my message.
But I have become a fissure,
Through which seeps a mixture,
Of everything I've ever known,

My Love, sometimes the winds blow high,
But I shrug because,
I know that the living dead...
We're common these days.